Eibach Brand

Eibach ANTI-ROLL-KIT for (Front aND Rear Sway BaRS ) for PORSCHE 911 2005 to 2012 E40-72-007-05-11

Eibach ANTI-ROLL-KIT (Front aND Rear Sway BaRS ) for PORSCHE 911 2005 to 2012 Carrera Manual Tra...

Eibach ANTI-ROLL-KIT (Front aND Rear Sway BaRS ) for PORSCHE 911 2005 to 2012 Carrera Manual Trans OnlyPORSCHE 911 2005 to 2012Carrera RWD 997 Manual Trans Only F:26mm / R 25mmNotes: Front Sway Bar is Solid aND 2 Way-Adjustable/ Rear Sway Bar is Tubular aND 3 Way-Adjustable.

$675.00 $750.01

Eibach PRO-SPACER KIT for (20mm Pair) (Black) for FORD Focus 2016 to 2018 S90-4-20-008-B

Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (20mm Pair) (Black) for FORD Focus 2013 to 2013 ST Notes: 20mm Spacer / Bo...

Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (20mm Pair) (Black) for FORD Focus 2013 to 2013 ST Notes: 20mm Spacer / Bolt PaTT ern 5x108 / Hub Center 63.3 | SpaceRS can only be used with wheels that have cut-outs (facing the hub) to clear the stock studs. Please check as follows: OrigiNA l stud lenGT h (i.e. 35mm) minus spacer-thickneSS (i.e. 25mm) = 10mm exceSS stud lenGT h. The cut-out should have a depth of 11mm.

$185.01 $205.56

Eibach PRO-SPACER KIT for (25mm Pair) for DODGE Magnum 2005 to 2008 S90-4-25-030

Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (25mm Pair) for DODGE Magnum 2005 to 2008 R/T Notes: OrigiNA l studs must ...

Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (25mm Pair) for DODGE Magnum 2005 to 2008 R/T Notes: OrigiNA l studs must be changed. Longer studs are iNC luded. | When uSi ng the wheelspaceRS you have to verify that the wheels being used have suitable cut-outs to take up the origiNA l bolts. Without these cut-outs it is neceSS ary to use the delivered studs in exchange to the origiNA l studs!

$202.00 $224.45

Eibach PRO-PLUS KIT for (Pro-KIT for SPRINGS for & Sway BaRS ) for BMW 228i 2014 to 2018 E70-20-0...

Eibach PRO-PLUS Kit (Pro-Kit Springs & Sway BaRS ) for BMW 228i 2014 to 2018 BMW 228i 2014 t...

Eibach PRO-PLUS Kit (Pro-Kit Springs & Sway BaRS ) for BMW 228i 2014 to 2018 BMW 228i 2014 to 2018RWD F22 F:1.2 in / R 0.8 inNotes: Front Sway Bar is Tubular aND 2 Way-Adjustable/ Rear Sway Bar is Tubular aND Non-Adjustable.

$799.00 $887.78

Eibach Sport -PLUS KIT for (Sportline SPRINGS for & Sway BaRS ) for HONDA Civic 2016 to E45-40-03...

Eibach Sport -PLUS Kit (Sportline Springs & Sway BaRS ) for HONDA Civic 2016 to 2018 Base HO...

Eibach Sport -PLUS Kit (Sportline Springs & Sway BaRS ) for HONDA Civic 2016 to 2018 Base HONDACivic 2016 to 2018Base Sedan F:1.0 in / R 1.3 inHONDACivic 2016 to 2018Base HatC hback F:1.4 in / R 1.2 inHONDACivic 2016 to 2018Base Coupe F:1.2 in / R 1.3 inHONDACivic 2017 to 2018Sport HatC hback F:1.4 in / R 1.2 inNotes: Front Sway Bar is Tubular aND Non-Adjustable/ Rear Sway Bar is Solid aND 2 Way-Adjustable.

$880.00 $977.78

Eibach PRO-TRUCK SHOCK (Single Front) for TOYOTA Hilux 2015 to 2018 E60-82-070-01-10

Eibach PRO-TRUCK SHOCK (Si ngle Front) for TOYOTA Hilux 2015 to 2018 Int'l ModelTOYOTA Hilux 201...

Eibach PRO-TRUCK SHOCK (Si ngle Front) for TOYOTA Hilux 2015 to 2018 Int'l ModelTOYOTA Hilux 2015 to 2018Int'l Model F: / R Notes: PerformaNC e OE Replacement Shock

$126.51 $126.67

Eibach PRO-SPACER KIT for (20mm Pair) for VOLKSWAGEN Jetta 1996 to 1998 S90-2-20-011

Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (20mm Pair) for VOLKSWAGEN Jetta 1996 to 1998 4 Cyl. VIN#...>070450Notes...

Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (20mm Pair) for VOLKSWAGEN Jetta 1996 to 1998 4 Cyl. VIN#...>070450Notes: Some models--only for use on the front axle--rear axle center hub may be too long. Fit s only up to 16mm center hub height!

$158.64 $170.00

Eibach PRO-TRUCK Sport SHOCK (Single Front for Lifted SuspenSi ons 0-3") for GM E60-23-006-04-10

Eibach PRO-TRUCK Sport SHOCK (Si ngle Front for Lifted SuspenSi ons 0-3") for GMC Sierra 1500 199...

Eibach PRO-TRUCK Sport SHOCK (Si ngle Front for Lifted SuspenSi ons 0-3") for GMC Sierra 1500 1999 to 2006 Notes: Can aCC ommodate lifted suspenSi ons between 0-3"

$138.87 $143.33