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Eibach PRO-SPACER KIT for (30mm Pair) for NISSAN PathfiND er 1987 to 2004 S90-8-30-003




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Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (30mm Pair) for NISSAN PathfiND er 1987 to 2004

NISSAN PathfiND er 1987 to 2004 F: / R

Notes: SpaceRS can only be used with wheels that have cut-outs (facing the hub) to clear the stock studs. Please check as follows: OrigiNA l stud lenGT h (i.e. 35mm) minus spacer-thickneSS (i.e. 25mm) = 10mm exceSS stud lenGT h. The cut-out should have a depth of 11mm. | The centering of the wheel is only poSS ible with the wheelbolts! Therefore, it may be neceSS ary to do wheel balaNC ing on the car - to avoid poSS ible vibration.