Eibach PRO-SPACER Kit (27mm Pair) for JEEP GraND Cherokee 2006 to 2010 SRT8
JEEP GraND Cherokee 2006 to 2010SRT8 WK F: / R
JEEP GraND Cherokee 2005 to 20102WD /4WD Excludes SRT8 Models F: / R
JEEP Wrangler 2007 to 2016Unlimited 4-Door 4WD JK F: / R
JEEP Wrangler 2007 to 20162-Door4WD JK F: / R
Notes: SpaceRS can only be used with wheels that have cut-outs (facing the hub) to clear the stock studs. Please check as follows: OrigiNA l stud lenGT h (i.e. 35mm) minus spacer-thickneSS (i.e. 25mm) = 10mm exceSS stud lenGT h. The cut-out should have a depth of 11mm. | Not for use with some US-wheels, as these do not have the neceSS ary cut outs.